Back To School Giveaway

Children need a fresh start for each upcoming school year. United Way’s Stuff the Bus helps assure that all Putnam County children are prepared for school with new the tools they need to succeed.

3 Ways You Can Help

1. Organize a Drive reach out to family, friends, and colleagues to organize a gift collection of new school supplies.  New and slightly used school supplies can be dropped off at Ottawa Walmart during “Stuff the Bus” or brought to the United Way office anytime.

 2. Make a donation Support this program today:

 Or checks can be sent to:

United Way of Putnam County

P.O. Box 472

Ottawa, OH 45875

Note: Make the check payable to “United Way of Putnam County” with “Stuff the Bus” on the memo line.

 3. Volunteers are essential to the success of this program.  Tasks include counting, sorting, and organizing supplies to be distributed at the annual Back-to-school Giveaway.  If you, your family, or group would like to help with the collection and distribution of school supplies, give us a call at 419-523-4505.

Donate Here!